Here is page five of a ten-page cover article by David P. Morgan entitled "Duplex-Drives." It was published originally in the November 1959 issue of "Trains" magazine, page 20. Top Photo, Revised Caption: "Pioneer T-1 6110 startled railroad world of [1942] with her unique shark, or yacht, nose from the pen of the inimitable Raymond Loewy." PRR engine #6110 is a T-1 built by Baldwin during April of 1942 and retired in December of 1953. Middle Photo, Partial Caption: "Altoona version of T-1 had a shorter nose for easier construction, as well as raised skirts for greater accessibility." PRR engine #5511 is a T-1 built in Juniata during January of 1946 and retired in December of 1953. Bottom Photo, Partial Caption: "Paint flakes off her flanks and grime accumulates upon her running gear as the 5546, still a youngster, stands in storage at Altoona." PRR engine #5546 is a T-1 built by Balding during August of 1946 and retired in January of 1956. (Partially visible in the distance is the East Altoona Coaling Tipple.) |